
What We Do
+Dust/Wipe Front Door Incl. Glass
+Dust Light Fixture
+Remove Cobwebs
+Wipe Switch Plates
+Dust/Wipe Baseboards
+Sweep/Vac/Mop Floor
+Removes Cobwebs
+Dust Light Fixtures
+Dust Blinds, Window Sills
+Dust Fans
+Dust/Wipe Baseboards
+Dust/Polish Furniture
+Dust Knick-Knacks
+Dust TV/Computer Screens
+Straighten/Brush Fabric Furniture
+Dust Under Raised Furniture
+Dust Wall Hangings
+Pull Debris From Corners and Under Furn.
+Wipe Switch Plates
+Sweep/Vac/Mop Floor
+Empty Trash
+Remove Cobwebs
+Dust Doors
+Dust Cabinets
+Wipe Counter Tops
+Clean Wet Sink
+Wash Baseboards
+Dust Blinds
+Wipe Window Sills
+Dust Fan
+Wipe Washer and Dryer Tops and Fronts
+Pull Debris From Between and Around
Washer and Dryer
+Wipe Switch Plates
+Wipe Finger Prints on Doors
+Sweep/Vac/Mop Floor
+Empty Trash
Office, Lv. Rm, Play Rm, Ent. Rm, Din. Rm.
Laundry Room
+Dust Light Fixture
+Dust/Wipe Blinds, Window Sills
+Clean Shower Tile, Glass
+Clean Bathtub
+Clean and Disinfect Toilet
+Clean and Disinfect Sinks, Faucets
+Shine Mirrors
+Wipe Counter tops
+Wipe Cabinet Fronts
+Wipe Switch Plates
+Wipe Hand Prints on Doors
+Wipe Baseboards
+Sweep/Vac/Mop Floor
+Empty Trash
+Wash/Dry/Fold/Iron Clothes Upon Request
+Dust/Wipe Fans
+Dust Blinds
+Dust/Wipe Window Sills
+Dust/Wipe Baseboards
+Polish Stainless Steel Appliances
+Clean Outside of Refrigerator
+Inside of Refrigerator Upon Request
+Clean Stove Top and Front
+Inside Oven Upon Request
+Clean Inside and Outside of Microwave
+Toaster Oven-Express Clean
+Clean Outside of All Other Appliances
+Scrub Sink
+Wash Counter Tops
+Wipe Outside of Cabinets
+Wipe Back Splashes
+Pull Debris from Under Cabinets and
+Sweep/Vac/Mop Floor Incl. Pantry Floor
+Empty Trash
+Wipe/Polish Trash Can/Cabinet
+Same as Lv. Rms, Etc.
+Make/Change Beds Upon Request
+Vacuum Stairs and Landings
+Dust/Polish Railings
+Wash Windows (Most Upon Request)
Entry Way
+Clean Glass Doors
+Dust Furniture
+Dust Blinds
+Wipe Window Sills
+Dust Shelves and Knick-Knacks
+Wipe Chairs
+Sweep/Vac/Mop Floor
Work Stations
+Dust Computer Screens
+Wipe Under Keyboards
+Dust All Open Areas on Desks
+Dust/Wipe Each Chair
+Empty Trash/Replace Bags
Break Room
+Wipe Tables and Counters
+Wipe Chairs
+Clean Inside and Out of Microwave
+Scrub Sink
+Clean Outside of Appliances
+Clean Inside Refrigerator Upon
+Clean Outside of Trash Cans
+Remove Trash/Replace Bags
+Sweep/Vac/Mop Floors
+Wipe Counter Tops
+Wipe Cabinets
+Wipe Tables
+Wipe Chairs
+Scrub Sink
+Clean Inside and Out of Microwave
+Clean Outside of Appliances
+Clean Inside of Refrigerator
Upon Request
+Remove Trash/Replace Bags
+Clean Outside of Trash Can
+Sweep/Vac/Mop Floors
+Clean, Disinfect All Areas Including Toilets and Sinks, Counter Tops, Switch Plates, Walls/Partitions
+Wipe Cabinets
+Shine Mirrors
+Empty Trash/Replace Bags
+Clean Outside of Trash Cans
+Polish Stainless Steel
+Refill Supplies as Needed
+Sweep/Vac/Mop Floor
Custom Pkgs.
Available Upon
Disinfecting As Requested
Carpet Cleaning Negotiable